West Port Garden
GrassmarketA historic community garden in the heart of the city
The West Port Garden, based on Edinburgh's bustling Grassmarket, was first established in 1909 as a place for children of all backgrounds to experience the joys of nature, gardening and greenspaces, Over a century later, the garden is now run by the volunteer-run Grassmarket Residents Association (GRASS) who maintain the steep sloping garden in partnership with Edinburgh council.
The garden is not only a green space for local residents without their own gardens to enjoy, but also used actively by gardeners who grow vegetables such as potatoes and salad ingredients. Flowers, bushes and the small pond also make the garden a haven for wildlife.
The Garden is occassionally open to the public to visit, so do pop your head in when walking down Grassmarket, particularly on Sundays between 2pm and 4pm.
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Nearby to West Port Garden
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