About Edinburgh 900
Why Edinburgh 900?
This celebration marks 900 years of formal ‘local democracy’ when, in 1124, King David I recognised that reform of the nation’s economic and political structures was needed. Establishing the town of Edinburgh as one of Scotland’s earliest royal burghs, set the scene for development of what we now know as local government. Since then, our city leaders have served and provided for our citizens, and influenced Edinburgh’s development to become one of the most renowned cities in the world.
A memorable and fitting celebration
Edinburgh selected 2024 to mark the start of the 900th anniversary of our city. Edinburgh 900 is a series of events and activities from a wide range of organisations in the city which tells the story of Edinburgh’s through the centuries from the 12th century City of David right up to the 21st century, the City of Diversity.
Together with partners and community groups across the city, the City of Edinburgh Council is curating a rich programme of events, talks, tours and tales to paint the picture of what has made Edinburgh into the internationally admired city it now is.
Come with us as we dip into the displays of enlightenment and faith, ideas and industry through finance and festivals and conflict and diversity. It’s a showcase of what has made us who we now are.

Discovering our past, celebrating our present and strengthening our future
The Edinburgh 900 programme aims to:
- improve civic and community pride by celebrating local heritage and community spaces alongside Edinburgh’s iconic city centre
- raise the profile of the City Collections to residents and visitors through innovative and creative use of the city’s public spaces
- promote partnerships between the Council heritage services, major stakeholders, local creatives, schools, and community groups
- enhance the resilience and diversity of the city’s community heritage groups by encouraging attendance at local events, membership and volunteering.
To provide structure to the events programme, we have drawn up ten themes which we have agreed with our programme partners. All Edinburgh 900 activities and events will fall under one or more of these themes.

Partners and funding – civic groups and community organisations
We are working with different groups and organisations in Edinburgh to deliver a varied programme of events and activities such as:
- Historic Environment Scotland
- Incorporations of Trade of Edinburgh
- Museum on the Mound
- Royal Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh
- St Giles Cathedral
- Edinburgh Local Heritage Network.
The Council is also funding community and civic groups to celebrate both community and city-wide heritage as part of Edinburgh 900. The aim is for these groups to use the funding to innovate in terms of reaching new audiences, refreshing their heritage to be more diverse and inclusive or creatively retelling old stories via new formats and public spaces. Funding will be awarded in July 2024, but the funded events and activities will happen throughout the Edinburgh 900 programme.
Add your event to our programme
Get involved! Edinburgh 900 celebrations are running to August 2025. If you’re planning an event, you can list with us, apply to use our Edinburgh 900 logo and be part of our promotions.
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