Schools: Young people – the lifeblood of Edinburgh
Through that time, our city leaders have championed ways to support them in their life journeys – from establishing hospitals to look after the education and the health of the city’s poorest children to providing outdoor activity centres in the Highlands so that every young person can experience the beauty of Scotland’s outdoors and learn life skills.
It’s not surprising that our city’s young people are coming together to celebrate Edinburgh 900.
Edinburgh schools are delivering an ambitious programme of creative activities which will challenge, inspire, engage and enrich the lives of each person who takes part, whether they are young or old. They will with along with adult community groups to celebrate the lives of our children, young people and adults from the diverse range of social, cultural and economic backgrounds who live across Edinburgh.
The programme will celebrate the Edinburgh 900 theme of diversity in a 21st century Edinburgh with 13 projects from May 2024 and to June 2025. The project will complement the vast range of other activities taking place across the city throughout the year.
The activities are exciting and creative, involving music, dance, visual arts, storytelling, literature, outdoor activities, talks, and exhibitions. They will culminate in two showcase events at the Usher Hall featuring hundreds of primary and secondary pupils from across the city – an instrumental music service Edinburgh 900 concert in March 2025 and a youth music initiative Love Music – City of Ideas concert in June 2025.
The use of the arts and creativity provides a unique way of working with young people which encourages self-expression, explores feelings. This provides an opportunity for young people to develop new skills and techniques, paving their way for their – and our city’s – future. Look out for our schools events in the Edinburgh 900. We guarantee you will be in awe of our talented young people.
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