Adventures in Banking: The Scandals and Stories behind the Bank of Scotland’s First Investors.

If you see banking as boring, think again! Join us for an exploration of the names on the list that changed the finances of a nation.

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A list of the names of the adventurers in the bank of Scotland dates 04 February 1697
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Event details

2pm - 3pm
13th February
Free, but pre-booking is essential

In 1695, 172 prominent citizens invested their wealth in the fledging Bank of Scotland. Known as the Adventurers, some of the investors stories are adventures in themselves, involving murders and scandals, and even imprisonment in the Tower of London.

If you see banking as boring, think again! Join us for an exploration of the names on the list that changed the finances of a nation.


Gillian Paterson

Gillian Paterson is Engagement Officer at Museum on the Mound. Situated within the Bank of Scotland’s historic head office, Museum on the Mound explores the history of money, and many of the banks and brands which are part of Lloyds Banking Group. As well as having a fascination with history, Gillian is also a member of the Directory of Scottish Storytellers and loves to bring the lesser known tales from our past to life.

The Museum on the Mound entrance sign with the building in the background
Rooftop view of Market Street and City Art Centre at night.

Museum on the Mound

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Located in the historic Bank of Scotland Head Office, this fascinating museum takes a fresh look at money – and much, much more. Art & design, technology, crime, trade and security – all feature in the story of money. They are open throughout the year and admission is FREE.

Museums and Galleries Edinburgh, The City of Edinburgh Council

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Museums & Galleries Edinburgh is a collection of 13 venues and over 200 monuments across Edinburgh. Our vision is to inspire, enthuse and provoke through a shared passion for Edinburgh, Art and History.

We welcome visitors to our nine major visitor attractions: the City Art Centre; Lauriston Castle; Museum of Childhood; Museum of Edinburgh; Nelson Monument; People’s Story; Queensferry Museum; Scott Monument and Writers’ Museum.

We house rich and varied collections relating to the historical and cultural life of Scotland’s Capital. Our venues also boast an exciting and vibrant programme of events and exhibitions, offering something for everyone to enjoy.


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