By creating we think – Patrick Geddes and the Future of Edinburgh

As part of Edinburgh’s 900th anniversary, the Storytelling Festival and Centre are looking to the future, through the visionary eyes of Patrick Geddes, ecologist and educator. According to Geddes, one of Edinburgh’s world famous writers, our future lies in the merging of the natural world with human culture. To achieve this…

Edinburgh 900 Logo
The Scottish Storytelling Centre
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Event details

10.30am - 5pm
22nd February 2025
Various prices; pay what you can. Pre-booking is essential. Click on More Information for booking details.
Fully wheelchair accessible with lift access to all floors and hearing loops in Reception and performance spaces.

As part of Edinburgh’s 900th anniversary, the Storytelling Festival and Centre are looking to the future, through the visionary eyes of Patrick Geddes, ecologist and educator. According to Geddes, one of Edinburgh’s world famous writers, our future lies in the merging of the natural world with human culture. To achieve this we need science and society to work together, citizen action, and creative learning.  

A day of workshops, screenings, talks and idea swaps will be held at SSC on Saturday 22nd February from 10.30am – 5.00pm with ‘pay as you can’ access.  The day is structured around Geddes’ key sayings: ‘Think Global, Act Local’, ‘By Leaves We Live’, ‘Place, Work, Folk’, ‘By Creating We Think’, and ‘By Living We Learn’.

Click on More Information for further details and to book.

Scottish Storytelling Centre, Exterior on the Royal Mile
Head and shoulders monument of Patrick Geddes

TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland)

Scottish International Storytelling Festival Logo
The Scottish International Storytelling Festival (SISF) is organised by TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland), taking place annually in autumn since 1989 and is one of the flagship events built on a culture of collaborative working with Festivals Edinburgh, sustaining and developing Edinburgh’s position as the world’s leading festival city.


City of Ideas Pictograph

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