Edinburgh Leisure Celebrating Edinburgh 900: Your Health is for Life – Great Lengths

Dive into history as Glenogle Swim Centre hosts ‘Your Health is for Life – Great Lengths’ exhibition. Focusing on one of the ten themes of Edinburgh 900 celebrations, ‘the City of Leisure’, the exhibition showcases the history of Edinburgh Leisure’s five Victorian pools and the Royal Commonwealth Pool, and the…

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A shot of Glenogle pool, with bunting across, showing staff on the poolside and the mezzanine behind the balcony above
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Event details

7am - 9pm
9th January - 27th February
See: https://www.edinburghleisure.co.uk/venues/glenogle-swim-centre/opening-hours-and-contact

Dive into history as Glenogle Swim Centre hosts ‘Your Health is for Life – Great Lengths’ exhibition.

Focusing on one of the ten themes of Edinburgh 900 celebrations, ‘the City of Leisure’, the exhibition showcases the history of Edinburgh Leisure’s five Victorian pools and the Royal Commonwealth Pool, and the vital role Edinburgh Leisure has played in promoting active lifestyles for the past 26 years and generations before.

The free exhibition can be viewed on the mezzanine level next to the Café at Glenogle and includes a 2005 film by Sitar Rose and Karen Chambers, ‘Liquid Paradise’, which can be viewed by scanning the QR code and captures the unique atmosphere of the Victorian Warrender Swim Centre.


Edinburgh Leisure

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Wherever you’re at on the map or in life, Edinburgh Leisure is here to help you enjoy a healthier, happier, and more active life. In the heart of communities, we’re the largest provider of sport and leisure facilities across the city.

We provide activities for everyone as they move through their lives. As a charitable trust, every penny goes back into taking care of the health and wellbeing of Edinburgh.


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