John Law – Swindler or Prophet?

Described by Karl Marx as ‘the pleasant character mixture of swindler and prophet’, John Law inherited Lauriston Castle at the age of 12. At the age of 21 he sold the castle to his mother in order to pay off gambling debts.  This, however, was only the beginning of John’s unbelievable…

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A collage of John Law, some gold coins and a French cheque
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Event details

10.30am - 12pm
30th October
£10 or £16; pre-booking is essential. Click on More information for booking details
The main entrance has 4 steps. Due to the historic nature of the building, there is no lift and no ramp. There is level access from the main entrance to the castle gardens and the outdoor accessible toilets.

Described by Karl Marx as ‘the pleasant character mixture of swindler and prophet’, John Law inherited Lauriston Castle at the age of 12. At the age of 21 he sold the castle to his mother in order to pay off gambling debts.  This, however, was only the beginning of John’s unbelievable story. With a meteoric rise to the very top of the French Establishment, followed by an even more spectacular fall from grace, listen to John’s story and decide for yourself, was he an economic genius or a swindler of such proportions never seen in Europe before or since?

Tracy Robertson is Steward of Lauriston Castle and is researching lots of different histories and stories about the house and its former residents.

Lauriston Castle front entrance on a sunny day

Museums and Galleries Edinburgh, The City of Edinburgh Council

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We house rich and varied collections relating to the historical and cultural life of Scotland’s Capital. Our venues also boast an exciting and vibrant programme of events and exhibitions, offering something for everyone to enjoy.


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