The East of Scotland Witch Trials

Between the 16th and 17th Century an estimated 4000 people were tried in Scotland for witchcraft, approximately 85% of these people being women. Of this number over 300 were burned on Castle Hill in Edinburgh. Who were these women? Why were they accused of witchcraft? So many questions and so…

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Black and white image of four women on their knees in front of a dais on which sits a man in an ornate chair, a man standing beside him. A third man, also in mediaeval dress, holds a stick above the women.
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Event details

10.30am - 12pm
18th November
£10 or £16; pre-booking is essential. Click on More information for booking details
The main entrance has 4 steps. Due to the historic nature of the building, there is no lift and no ramp. There is level access from the main entrance to the castle gardens and the outdoor accessible toilets.

Between the 16th and 17th Century an estimated 4000 people were tried in Scotland for witchcraft, approximately 85% of these people being women. Of this number over 300 were burned on Castle Hill in Edinburgh. Who were these women? Why were they accused of witchcraft? So many questions and so few credible answers! This practice was made illegal in 1735 but by then the fate of many women, such as Margaret Burgess of Cramond, had been sealed!

Linda McDonald is a former teacher and a member of Edinburgh Living History, based in Lauriston Castle. She has in interest in researching women’s history. Linda is an award-winning volunteer and supports Museums and Galleries all over the service.

Lauriston Castle, couple sitting drinking tea in front of Castle.

Museums and Galleries Edinburgh, The City of Edinburgh Council

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