The Maltings Banner Competition in association with Cramond Primary School

Our Exhibition traces the history of Cramond as far back as 10500 years and includes: Hunter gatherers, Roman soldiers, Iron Workers, strange burial grounds and much, much more. The exhibition includes a mouse hunt for younger visitors.  It is these mice that inspired the idea of a linked banner to…

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Exterior shot of the Maltings at Cramond
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Event details

Launch event at 1pm on 5 April; otherwise 2pm - 5pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays only
5th April - 28th September
Free, no booking required
There are no public toilets in the exhibition room and accessibility is restricted by eight steps up to the front door

Our Exhibition traces the history of Cramond as far back as 10500 years and includes: Hunter gatherers, Roman soldiers, Iron Workers, strange burial grounds and much, much more.

The exhibition includes a mouse hunt for younger visitors.  It is these mice that inspired the idea of a linked banner to each historic era of Cramond.  The primary pupils will submit their ideas for a banner and the seven winning ones will be displayed outside the Maltings.

The initial announcement of the winners will take place at Cramond Primary School in front of pupils and parents during the week commencing 31 March.

The launch of the banners will take place outside the Maltings at 1pm on Saturday 5 April – no booking required.


Cramond Heritage Trust

A black and white sketch of the Maltings with a figure standing on a boat in the river
Cramond Heritage Trust is a volunteer-run heritage centre that provides a permanent exhibition centre, together with extensive archives for history, archaeology and genealogy. Open to the public every summer, we also open for private tours and research purposes all the year round. Our volunteers provide guided walks around the area during the year.


City of Commerce Pictograph
City of Conflict Pictograph
City of Industry Pictograph

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