The Origins of the Edinburgh Festival

Join Mike Lewis to hear about the origins and colourful history of Edinburgh International Festival.

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Fire juggler on stilts with crowd watching street performing ta Edinburgh Festival
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Event details

2pm - 3pm
4th July
Free, but pre-booking is essential

Join Mike Lewis to hear about the origins and colourful history of Edinburgh International Festival. Mike will recount how an Austrian refugee, an English landowner and a war-time civil defence chief joined forces to create, out of the ruins and chaos of a world at war, what was to become a world-class festival of music and drama.


Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis is a retired journalist. During his career, he wrote for the Scotsman, the Guardian and the Independent, as well as for a number of American publications. Since moving to Edinburgh from his native London some 40 years ago, he has developed a keen interest in Scottish and Edinburgh history, and now gives talks on those subjects to local clubs and societies. He is also a volunteer Royal Mile guide with the EFVGA.

Rooftop view of Market Street and City Art Centre at night.
A guitarist signing in the street during the Festival

Museums and Galleries Edinburgh, The City of Edinburgh Council

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Museums & Galleries Edinburgh is a collection of 13 venues and over 200 monuments across Edinburgh. Our vision is to inspire, enthuse and provoke through a shared passion for Edinburgh, Art and History.

We welcome visitors to our nine major visitor attractions: the City Art Centre; Lauriston Castle; Museum of Childhood; Museum of Edinburgh; Nelson Monument; People’s Story; Queensferry Museum; Scott Monument and Writers’ Museum.

We house rich and varied collections relating to the historical and cultural life of Scotland’s Capital. Our venues also boast an exciting and vibrant programme of events and exhibitions, offering something for everyone to enjoy.


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