The World’s End Murders: The Inside Story

The abduction and murder of two young Edinburgh girls in October 1977 shocked the city and led to the longest continuous murder investigation in Scottish History. This is the inside story, warts and all, of one of the most consequential murder cases in Scottish legal history, told by one of…

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Cover of The Worlds End Murders books, depicting two figures in silhouette in a misty wood
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Event details

10.30am - 12pm
23rd October
£10 or £16; pre-booking is essential. Click on More information for booking details
The main entrance has 4 steps. Due to the historic nature of the building, there is no lift and no ramp. There is level access from the main entrance to the castle gardens and the outdoor accessible toilets.

The abduction and murder of two young Edinburgh girls in October 1977 shocked the city and led to the longest continuous murder investigation in Scottish History. This is the inside story, warts and all, of one of the most consequential murder cases in Scottish legal history, told by one of the senior detectives who led the case.

Tom Wood was one of Scotland’s most senior and experienced police officers. He is a graduate of Edinburgh University and The FBI Academy at Quantico Virginia . Since leaving the police he has carried out a number of independent ‘Cold Case ‘ homicide reviews. He is a regular columnist with ‘The Scotsman’ and has written the best selling book ‘ Ruxton The First Modern Murder ‘which was shortlisted for the 2021 Scottish National Book Awards.

Lauriston Castle with Azalea bush with red flowers

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