WHALE Members’ Art – History Trips

WHALE Arts and Museums & Galleries Edinburgh are teaming up to deliver their first ever Art-History Trips exclusively for the WHALE Arts membership. WHALE Arts will bring 25 people (23 members and 2 staff) to three Museums & Galleries Edinburgh venues in December 2024, March 2025 and June 2025. WHALE…

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A group of people standing on grass in front of noticeboards, holding blue and white ribbons and trying to cut them
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Event details

10am - 4pm
7th December 2024 - 21st June 2025
Various Museums and Galleries venues tbc
See https://www.edinburghmuseums.org.uk/venues for details of accessibility at the chosen venues

WHALE Arts and Museums & Galleries Edinburgh are teaming up to deliver their first ever Art-History Trips exclusively for the WHALE Arts membership. WHALE Arts will bring 25 people (23 members and 2 staff) to three Museums & Galleries Edinburgh venues in December 2024, March 2025 and June 2025.

WHALE Arts are a membership-led organisation and have been running regular activities which engage members in the cultural life of the local area. In facilitating these trips, WHALE are looking to build a bridge between local museums and the Wester Hailes community. Not only will these trips represent an opportunity to increase visitor numbers from underrepresented areas of Edinburgh to three cultural spaces but will help local residents to understand more about the city’s history and how it’s shaped Edinburgh today. WHALE hopes that these trips will both increase individual curiosity about these galleries amongst their membership and represent the first stage of a partnership that will help them collaborate more often with Museums & Galleries Edinburgh both within and beyond their venues.

A group of Whale Arts members huddled together in a narrow corridor and smiling at the camera
Two men, wearing WHALE Arts tshirts, sitting at a desk on which there are various sheets of paper and pens. There is artwork on the walls around them and fire extinguishers against the wall behind them


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Set up by local people in 1992, WHALE acts as a conduit between our community and creative opportunities through the direct delivery of projects, programmes and events and by connecting our community with city and national cultural partners.

We are based in the purpose built WHALE Arts Centre – ‘The WHALE’ – a unique community asset that provides a range of high quality creative spaces including an Arts Workshop, Performance Space, Darkroom and Digital Media facilities for our community.


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