900 Artworks Exhibition

The Ukrainian St Margaret’s Saturday School is organising a 900 Artworks Exhibition at St Cuthbert’s Parish Church (Edinburgh EH1 2EP) from 18th October to 25th October. 2024; exhibits include paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, quilts, embroidery, and woodcarvings reflecting on 900 years of the history of Edinburgh. This is an artworks…

Edinburgh 900 Logo

The interior of St Cuthbert's Church from the aisle, with pews on either side and artworks displayed on boards at the front
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Event details

19 and 20 October: 12pm - 4.30pm; 21 - 25 October: 10.30am - 4.30pm. Closing Ceremony 25 October: 6.30pm - 8pm
19th October - 25th October
Free, no booking required. Donations to the Ukrainian St Margaret’s Saturday School are invited. Refreshments will be available.
St Cuthbert's has a ramp into the church which is all on one level with regards to access to the sanctuary, hall and accessible toilets. St Cuthbert's has Audio-visual facilities to enhance hearing and viewing. There is car parking immediately outside the church building where there is parking for people with mobility challenges. We can easily accommodate 12 cars.

The Ukrainian St Margaret’s Saturday School is organising a 900 Artworks Exhibition at St Cuthbert’s Parish Church (Edinburgh EH1 2EP) from 18th October to 25th October. 2024; exhibits include paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, quilts, embroidery, and woodcarvings reflecting on 900 years of the history of Edinburgh.

This is an artworks exhibition that everyone can exhibit something special about Edinburgh. Schools, universities, art clubs, churches of all faiths, dementia groups, homeless. refugees LGBT, professional and amateur artists are all invited to exhibit.

Details from the artintern@stcuthberts-edinburgh.uk;

The Opening is at 12 noon on Saturday 19th October when the children from the Ukrainian School will entertain visitors with music and singing. The closing ceremony is on Friday 25th October from 6.30pm to 8pm.

All are welcome to exhibit artwork at this exhibition, which is suitable for children of all ages.


Ukrainian St Margaret's Saturday School & St Cuthbert's Parish Church

At Ukrainian St Margaret’s Saturday School, we have a clear vision; to improve the educational standards of Ukrainian students living in Edinburgh and surrounding areas.

Ukrainian children will have the opportunity to continue their studies in reading, writing and speaking, taught in both English and their mother tongue.

The following subjects are currently available to our students:

Ukrainian traditions, history, customs, art and craft.
Maths and business.
English language with our professional English language teachers.
The development of social skills and confidence are other key areas of learning.



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