Edinburgh: Our storied town

The Scottish International Storytelling Festival explores nine centuries of Edinburgh life through the lens of literature and storytelling. It will celebrate the anniversary themes in resonant locations across Edinburgh, and highlight key writers, stories, books and ideas, which together contribute to the city’s unique character. The programme is accompanied by…

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Donald Smith in a checked shirt and trousers talking animatedly to a group of women in a bar
Andrew Perry Photography
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Event details

Various - see website for more information
29th September - 1st December
Varies - see website for more information
Varies, most are free - see website for more information
Most of our targeted venues have these facilities, but there are some outdoor components of events that will not be fully accessible. The Scottish Storytelling Centre has all these facilities.

The Scottish International Storytelling Festival explores nine centuries of Edinburgh life through the lens of literature and storytelling. It will celebrate the anniversary themes in resonant locations across Edinburgh, and highlight key writers, stories, books and ideas, which together contribute to the city’s unique character. The programme is accompanied by a newly published book ‘Edinburgh – Our Storied Town’ authored by Storytelling Festival Director, Donald Smith. It is 20 years since Edinburgh became the world’s first UNESCO City of Literature, and delegates from the now 53 cities of literature will attend SISF in October and join in Edinburgh – Our Storied Town events.

Scottish Storytelling Centre, Exterior on the Royal Mile
Storyteller speaking to crowd at outdoor v venue at the Storytelling Festival
A shot of the audience at a Storytelling Festival event

TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland)

The Scottish International Storytelling Festival (SISF) is organised by TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland), taking place annually in autumn since 1989 and is one of the flagship events built on a culture of collaborative working with Festivals Edinburgh, sustaining and developing Edinburgh’s position as the world’s leading festival city. www.sisf.org.uk


City of Celebration

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