Our Gracemount Community Heritage 900

The Our Gracemount Community Heritage 900 project will deliver a series of accessible reminiscence and discovery programmes to enable local residents to take part in learning and sharing their knowledge regarding the history and heritage of Gracemount, as part of the celebrations of Edinburgh 900. Events will run from September 2024…

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A shot under a tree of a storytelling session at Gracemount Mansion. A boy kneels on the grass, a woman holds a rainbow umbrella, other people mill round. The mansion is visible in the background.
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Event details

Dates and times will vary - see website for more information
28th September 2024 - 14th July 2025
Free; donations are welcome
There is an accessible toilet via the portacabin located in the grounds; the events will be held outdoors in areas which will be accessible to wheelchair users where possible. Materials will be available in different formats as required (eg BSL, Easy Read, languages other than English)

The Our Gracemount Community Heritage 900 project will deliver a series of accessible reminiscence and discovery programmes to enable local residents to take part in learning and sharing their knowledge regarding the history and heritage of Gracemount, as part of the celebrations of Edinburgh 900.

Events will run from September 2024 to July 2025.  For further information and details of individual events visit: https://www.gracemountmansion.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofthemansiongracemount/ or contact gracemountmansion@outlook.com

Our first two events are:

Doors Open Day, and Harvest Festival in the Walled Garden, hosted with Transition Edinburgh South

Saturday 28th September 11am – 3pm

Our Storyteller Jane Mather will facilitate a reminiscing session for adults on the greenspaces and mature rare trees surrounding the Mansion House.  

Halloween joint event with Transition Edinburgh South

Saturday 2nd November, 11am – 1pm  

Our Storyteller Jane Mather will facilitate a Halloween reminiscing session for adults.

Both events are free and no booking is required. Please meet at the entrance to Gracemount Mansion House.

The stone exterior of Gracemount Mansion shot through the trees

Gracemount Mansion Development Trust

Gracemount Mansion Development Trust (GMDT’s) vision is for The Mansion, Stable Blocks and surrounding grounds to be a welcoming hub in the heart of the community – a place where we can meet, learn and grow together towards a sustainable future.

Our mission is to develop and reopen The Mansion, surrounding buildings and greenspaces, as a community hub where we can offer a range of learning, training, volunteering, social, environmental and heritage opportunities and activities that benefit the mental and physical health & wellbeing of the community.

We are in the process of raising funds to conserve, renovate and develop the Mansion House and surrounding greenspaces, to enable GMDT to take on community ownership of the asset for the benefit of all.

For further information visit https://www.gracemountmansion.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofthemansiongracemount/
or contact gracemountmansion@outlook.com


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