Explore the Edinburgh locations featured in one of the biggest film events of our time.
After much anticipation, Avengers: Infinity War arrived in April 2018. In the penultimate installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe series, all the heroes must put their differences aside to protect the Infinity Stones and defeat the evil Thanos, in a war that spans from New York and Edinburgh to Wakanda and the far reaches of outer space.
However, as the only location outside the studio to be used in this film, Edinburgh truly is a star of this blockbuster hit.
The filmmakers were looking for something unique, gothic and dramatic and Edinburgh’s Old Town with its medieval architecture fitted the bill. They were also looking for something they hadn’t seen in blockbusters of this scale, and while the city is accustomed to filming, Avengers: Infinity War is the first production of this huge scale and truly global reach to choose Edinburgh. It was a very exciting prospect, and one I’m pleased to say the city embraced wholeheartedly.
– Rosie Ellison, Manager at Film Edinburgh
Now you’ve seen the movie, see the locations for real with the help of our handy guide and map:
Cockburn Street

Edinburgh’s Old Town appears in Avengers: Infinity War as the hideout for Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany). The two heroes stand outside a fast-food joint on Cockburn Street as they watch rolling news footage of an attack in New York.
If you are looking for the fast food shop that promises to “deep fry your kebab”, you will be sadly disappointed. These signs were set up specifically for Avengers: Infinity War, and were promptly dismantled after filming wrapped up. While the signs were taken down, the building is still standing.
Locals will know this shop better as Miss Katie Cupcake, which sells quirky jewellery to punters in the Old Town. Why not linger a while on Cockburn Street and explore more of the independent shops in the area?
Royal Mile

The Old Town’s bustling thoroughfare was transformed into the backdrop of a thrilling fight scene for Avengers: Infinity War. As you walk down the Royal Mile, the cobbles and the gothic architecture should look familiar thanks to their repeated appearances in the scene.
However, despite the convincing explosions in the film, the Royal Mile is still very much intact and is ready to welcome all the Avengers fans who wish to walk (or stage-combat) in their heroes’ footsteps.
St Giles’ Cathedral

St Giles Cathedral dominates the Royal Mile skyline with its destinctive spires and stained-glass windows. It’s no surprise that the Russo brothers wanted to use this imposing landmark as a backdrop to some of Avengers: Infinity War’s most exciting scenes.
Waverley Station

One of Scotland’s busiest rail stations was transformed into a superhero fight area for Avengers: Infinity War, as the Scarlet Witch and Vision are ambushed by some of Thanos’ thugs on the station concourse near platform 2. Thankfully, Black Widow (Scarlet Johannsson), Captain America (Chris Evans) and Falcon (Anthony Mackie) show up to save the day.
For further information about films shot in Edinburgh, see the city’s film office Film Edinburgh