Create your free business listing and reach our audience
To ensure we’re serving visitors and residents the right information about your business, new content such as blog posts, visitor guides, itineraries, listicles, and other long form content will link to your bespoke Forever Edinburgh business listing.
Business listings are free and can be maintained and updated by you 24/7, making it easier and quicker for you to manage your messaging on our site. As well as practical and accessible information to help our audience plan their visit, you can also inspire them by uploading multiple images and promotional videos.
Step 1: Please go to the Signup page and add your: business name, the email address of the person creating and managing your listing, and Postcode ( for geo-tagging your businesses for map functionality).
Step 2: Log-in details will be sent to the designated email address provided in Step 1. This will take you to the Forever Edinburgh online portal with fields to complete. Please complete them all, including those in the accessibility tab.
Step 3: Save your unique link as it is required for completing and editing your web listing now and in the future.
To help you make the most of your free web listing, we’ve created this short hints and tips guide to creating a strong web listing.
Sign up today
If you’re an attraction, tour operator, hospitality provider, accommodation service, transport operator, cultural venue or other place of interest within Edinburgh and the Lothians that attracts leisure visitors and residents, click below.
Need more help
If you have any questions, please email us at visit@edinburgh.org.uk.